Some of my Favorite Books

Developing a Sacred Conscience - Our God given "Warning System"

1 Corinthians 2:10-16

God has given you a conscience for your protection. To develop and trust that "warning system," you must be committed to take action.

Apply the Word of God to daily living. As you learn and put into practice "the perfect law that gives freedom" (James 1:25), your conscience will grow stronger because you know God's heart better. Your spiritual instincts will become sharper regarding what pleases Him.

Arrive at decisions through prayer. Instead of choosing something merely because it looks, sounds, or feels good, bring every issue and decision before the Lord in prayer.

Agree to obey God. When you strongly desire to do things the Lord's way, you will consistently ask, What does God want me to do? This practice will enable you to discern and follow the Holy Spirit's lead.

Acquire a deeper sensitivity to the Spirit's conviction. We are no longer condemned (Romans 8:1), so we must recognize the difference between the conviction of the Holy Spirit and condemnation from the Enemy. The Spirit always shows us exactly what needs repentance-He doesn't give us a sense of vague guilt. His conviction has the purpose of turning us back to Him.

Abandon yourself to the perfect will of God. If you recommit daily to be a "living sacrifice" for God alone, your inner compass will follow that commitment and steer you toward the Lord. As you refuse to conform to this world's pattern and renew your thinking according to the mind of Christ, you will be able to "test and approve what God's will is - his good, pleasing, and perfect will" (Romans 12:1-2 NIV).

My Prayer to God I share with you: (an example of prayer language)

Lord, I pray You will fill me with the “knowledge of [Your] will in all wisdom and spiritual understanding” (Colossians 1:9). Help me to walk in a worthy manner, fully pleasing to You, being fruitful in every good work and increasing in the knowledge of Your ways. Guide my every step. Lead me “in Your righteousness” and “make Your way straight before my face” (Psalm 5:8). As I draw close and walk in intimate relationship with You each day, I pray You will get me where I need to go.

Even as Jesus said, “Not My will, but Yours, be done” (Luke 22:42), so I say to You, not my will but Your will be done in my life. “I delight to do Your will, O my God” (Psalm 40:8). You are more important to me than anything. Your will is more important to me than my desires. I want to live as Your servant, doing You will from my heart (Ephesians 6:6).

Lord, align my heart with Yours. Help me to hear Your voice saying, “This is the way, walk in it.” If I am doing anything outside of Your will, show me. Speak to me from Your Word so that I will have understanding. Show me any area of my life where I am not right on target. If there is something I should be doing, reveal it to me so that I can correct my course. I want to do only what You want me to do.

Lord, I know we are not to direct our own steps (Jeremiah 10:23). So I pray You would direct my steps. Only You know the way I should go. I don’t want to get off the path You want me to walk on and end up in the wrong place. I want to move into all You have for me and become all You made me to be by walking in Your perfect will for my life now….Amen


Mrs. P

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