Some of my Favorite Books

Intelligence and Faith...Seeing the world's multidimensional glory

Some people see the world only in terms of obvious physical realities. Others view the world through the lens of blind faith that doesn't fully engage their minds.

However, both types of people have a vision that is limited to what they can see with only one eye.

They're missing out on the world's multidimensional glory.

The only way to see the world as God meant you to see it is to look at it with both "eyes" He has given you - your intelligence and your faith.

If you develop both your IQ (intelligence quotient) and FQ (faith quotient), you'll be able to see the full depth and beauty of who you are, who others are, and the universe that surrounds you.

Here's how you can let your intelligence and particular faith work together:

Realize that everyone believes in something.

Some people believe in God, some in a higher Being, while others believe in the god Randomness, who they think has the power to transform complete chaos into the order that is our vast universe.

Understand that it takes just as much faith - if not more - to believe that the universe has no divine creator or director than it does to believe that God exists.

Understand that God gave you a mind so you could use it.

Remember that it is said that we were made in God's image, and that includes our brains. Know that He wants you to make good use of your intelligence and not be afraid to explore the world so you can discover more about it.

In order to recognize the incredible accomplishments of smart, faith filled people throughout history,you have only to read through the journals of past events to discover legions of educated men and women whose faith in God was immensely important to them.

As you learn about what they accomplished in their lifetimes, you'll know that smart people can believe in God and use their God-given gifts to make a significant, positive difference in the world.

Don't let yourself be deceived by myths.

Know that IQ isn't somehow superior to FQ; both are equally important for being able to accurately perceive the world. Seeing is a form of believing, but believing is also a form of seeing.

Know that science can never prove that God does or does not exist.

In fact, Science, by its very nature, will always be completely unbiased on the subject. If you do believe in God, don't ever be ashamed of your faith.

Don't think that God frowns on your doubts and questions. Instead, know that He wants you to use them as tools to develop a deeper faith.

If you don't believe in God, realize that whatever the reasons are, they have nothing to do with your intelligence because many people with very high IQs have chosen to believe or not to believe in God.

Don't look down your nose at people who believe differently than you do. Ask yourself what emotional reasons they might have for their skepticism, and consider studying those issues so you'll be free to go on a genuine spiritual quest for answers.

If you think faith is a crutch, consider how often the biblical God makes the lives of His people harder - not easier - so they can grow.

Understand how science and faith can cooperate

Science asks "how" questions, while faith asks "why" questions - but both types of questions are valuable.

Science looks outward, while faith looks inward. Know that space, time, meaning, and purpose all can shed new light on each other when you study them together.

Remember that both science and faith encourage people to explore, observe, make judgments, and discern wisdom.

Understand that a healthy and credible science will always need faith, and a healthy and credible faith will always need reason.

Consider that scientific theories are imperfect by nature and open to revision in the future as people learn more. But also remember that faith in the scientific process can lead to important new discoveries.

Know that as you accept and respect both science and faith, you can discover more about truth than you would if you accepted just one of them. Understand that science and faith aren't two competing worldviews.

Instead, they're two different takes on one logical reality - our intelligence calls what it sees "truth," and our faith calls what it sees "God."

Recognize that proof and belief are both powerful ways of obtaining real certainty. We can prove things we find hard to believe, and we can believe in things we find hard to prove.

Realize you can become smarter when you become more faithful, and you can become more faithful when you become smarter.

Wisdom, love, and humility also result from this synergy.

You may be wondering why I say "faith" as opposed to "religion", and the answer to that question is simple in that it is my belief that "faith" says, "thou shall" while "religion" says, "thou shall not". Furthermore, it is my feeling that "religion" says, "come only if" while "faith" says, "come as you are...just come". I have always considered myself to be faithful, and not religious.

Please share with me your thoughts on Intelligence and next post will be on the topic of The Meaning of Goodness.

"The fruit of the Spirit is .goodness." Galatians 5:22

Mrs. P

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